Is Your Facility Ready for the Internet of Things?
By Aleya Harris
It’s clear that the Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere. Businesses are scrambling to update their products with sensors and Wi-Fi capability on one hand and rushing to integrate IoT-enabled devices into their own business operations on the other. It's clear that we need to get used to being surrounded by smart, networked fixtures and appliances that are constantly amassing data and talking to each other.
For facilities managers, the question isn't whether to begin adopting IoT technology, but whether your facility is ready to integrate IoT devices in a way that provides meaningful, cost-saving benefits and operational improvements.
What Is the IoT?
A device is part of the IoT if it can take in data, either through passive sensors or direct input, and connect with computers and other networked devices via the internet to share and act upon that data.
An example would be a thermostat that has sensors to automatically adjust the building temperature based on the weather outside, which is also connected to the internet, so that it can be further adjusted remotely from a smartphone.
High-level IoT implementations could involve multiple devices communicating independently with each other, performing data-driven functions with little to no user input required.
Can IoT Tech Help Your Facility?
The crucial step in preparing a facility for IoT readiness is to identify the areas where there are processes or issues with specific needs that could be addressed by enhanced data collection and/or smart, automated technology.
Areas where communication breakdowns occur, where routine manual adjustments are required, or where more frequent and rigorous data sampling could be leveraged to yield better outcomes are prime candidates for IoT investment.
What Can IoT Do for You?
IoT is helpful in several areas that will have obvious and immediate benefits from a facilities management standpoint. For instance, automated thermostat control, as mentioned earlier, can potentially provide significant HVAC cost savings in a large facility. A useful property of nearly any IoT device is that it can notify you directly when needing refills, service, or repairs, which saves on maintenance costs and reduces downtime.
One of the most important things IoT can do for you is improving employee safety. Sensors can detect hazardous situations, signs of worker fatigue, and other harbingers of danger and raise alarms before accidents occur.
The IoT Is Here to Stay
Facilities managers would be wise to ensure that their businesses have the proper infrastructure in place to take advantage of the IoT. Networked appliances and devices are growing more and more prevalent, and it’s clear that the IoT is here to stay. It's up to facilities managers and other decision makers to implement it in ways that will generate improved outcomes for workers, shareholders, and customers alike.