
Liderazgo global y estructura

Nuestros valores dan forma a nuestra cultura e inspiran todo lo que hacemos, desde la estrategia hasta la operación. Refuerzan nuestro compromiso con nuestros clientes y las personas y lugares a los que servimos. Valoramos la unidad, la honestidad, la responsabilidad, el espíritu emprendedor y la calidad, y no hay área en la que sean más importantes que en nuestro liderazgo. Nuestros líderes defienden nuestros valores y predican con el ejemplo, lo que nos permite ir más allá en nuestra misión de hacer que el mundo funcione mejor.

Lea sobre nuestros valores/about/people-make-places/about-iss
 diverse businesspeople

Informe Anual del Grupo

Sumérjase en nuestro “Informe Anual 2022” para descubrir más sobre nuestra actividad y desempeño.

Lea nuestro Informe Anual

Dirección Ejecutiva del Grupo

Conozca a los miembros de la Dirección Ejecutiva del Grupo ISS y entérese de su formación y experiencia.


Group CEO

Kasper Fangel

Group CEO since September 2023.
Joined ISS in 2009.
Born 1979. Danish nationality. 

2024_Mads Holm

Group CFO

Mads Holm

Group CFO since June 2024.
Joined ISS in June 2024. 
Born 1981. Danish nationality.

Chief People & Transformation Officer

Liz Benison

Chief People & Transformation Officer since September 2023.
Joined ISS in 2021. 
Born 1967. British nationality. 


CEO Central and Southern Europe

Celia Liu

Regional CEO, Central & Southern Europe since January 2022.
Joined ISS in 2019. 
Born 1978. British nationality. 


CEO Asia-Pacific/Americas/Germany & Global Business Performance

Troels Bjerg

CEO Asia-Pacific/Americas/Germany &
Global Business Performance 
since September 2023. 

Joined ISS in 2009. 
Born 1963. Danish nationality. 



Carl-Fredrik Langard-Bjor

Regional CEO, Northern Europe since January 2022. 
Joined ISS in 2011.
Born 1974. Norwegian nationality. 

Group Chief Commercial and Communications Officer

Agostino Renna

Group Chief Commercial Officer since January 2023.
Joined ISS in January 2023.
Born 1973. Canadian and Portuguese nationality.

Chief Information & Digital Officer

Markus Sontheimer

Chief Information and Digital Officer (CIDO) since June 2021.
Born 1968. German nationality.

Group Chief Operating Officer

Sam Hockman

Group Chief Operating Officer since September 2023.
Joined ISS in June 2022.
Born 1982. British nationality.

Junta Directiva de ISS Global A/S


Group CEO

Kasper Fangel

Group CEO since September 2023.
Joined ISS in 2009.
Born 1979. Danish nationality. 

2024_Mads Holm

Group CFO

Mads Holm

Group CFO since June 2024.
Joined ISS in June 2024. 
Born 1981. Danish nationality.


Bjørn Raasteen

Group General Counsel since January 2005. 
Joined ISS in 1999. 
Born 1964. Danish nationality. 


Chief People & Transformation Officer

Liz Benison

Chief People & Transformation Officer since September 2023.
Joined ISS in 2021. 
Born 1967. British nationality. 

Dirección Ejecutiva de ISS Global A/S

2018_Kristoffer Lykke Olesen_1

Head of Group ESG Controlling

Kristoffer Lykke-Olesen

Head of Group ESG Controlling since 2022. 
Joined ISS in 2007. 
Born in 1973. Danish nationality.