Caring for people, places and the planet

From the company’s origins in 1901, ISS has been a people organisation, working with a strong belief that great people can and do make a difference. We believe in our responsibility – to the planet, our people and the communities we serve. We know that when we get things right, it enhances lives and makes the world work better – and that is what drives us.

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speak up

Ethical business practices are a part of Corporate Responsibility

Find out how our Code of Conduct is connected to everything we do. The Speak Up policy is closely related to our ethical standards and behaviors. In line with the ISS Values and Code of Conduct, the business integrity of ISS is non-negotiable.

Read about our Code of Conduct and Speak Up policy/about/corporate-responsibility/speak-up
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A sustainable business model that supports the world we live in

As a global company with 370,000 employees, we have an important role to play in solving some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges. We contribute to sustainable development around three thematic areas:     

  • People: Promoting safe working conditions, health & well-being, and human rights, while cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion.   
  • Planet: Reducing our environmental impact, while helping our customers create sustainable workplaces through strategic advice and services.   
  • Profit: Positively influencing the global business environment by complying with sound business standards and compliance with our business integrity framework.  
Learn more/about/corporate-responsibility/cr-reporting-policies-and-publications

UK Corporate Responsibility

ISS UK has published a CR report since 2008. In our latest report we share highlights from the past year that help us to achieve our ThinkForward@ISS UK CR strategy. Click on the links below to read our latest CR and Gender Pay Reports, our Anti-Slavery Statements and our UK Policies.

Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are deeply committed to the transformation to a more resilient and just international community. Our target is to lead our industry by example, always aiming to positively influence the market wherever we operate. With our focus on how we can take an ethical approach to people, planet and profit, we invest particular effort in supporting these UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

ISS is a multicultural company and embraces and encourages diversity. With almost 50% women in the workforce, we have contributed significantly to empowering women. Female representation in management, leadership development and graduate programmes has high priority and is progressing. Our Diversity Policy continues to bring results, with more initiatives to identify female candidates and promote women to more senior roles. Training programmes educate, enforce and embed policies against harassment and discrimination.


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustain- able economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Minimum wages, the right to organise and a safe working environment are basic standards at ISS. As a dedicated people company, we invest significantly in developing employees at all levels of our organisation. We take continuous action at all levels to eradicate injuries and fatalities. We have zero tolerance of forced labour, child labour, modern slavery and human trafficking
in our operations and this is strictly enforced through governance controls, including audits.

SDG 10

Reduce inequality withinand among countries

As one of the world’s largest private employers, ISS provides the economic foundation for many individuals and families around the world. There is an increasing number of refugees in our workforce, as well as people with mental and physical disabilities, social challenges or little academic education. We offer employees the chance to develop their skills through education programmes, increasing their job and career opportunities.

SDG 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

We aim to reduce the consumption of chemicals through our Cleaning Excellence programme, working with strategic suppliers to develop and test new tools and processes that will reduce the environmental impact. We focus on green innovation projects, such as the comprehensive Diversey SURE range of cleaning products. These are plant based and 100% biodegradable, designed to deliver superior results while being safe for people and kind to the environment.

SDG 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

ISS is committed to continuously reducing any negative impact on the environment due to our operations, and we also work with customers
to help them reduce their own environmental footprint. We work at our customers’ premises, meaning we gain insight into their performance and use this knowledge to help them manage and reduce their impact and reach their targets. We have set a Net Zero emission target for 2040 covering all scopes.

SDG 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

We aim to eradicate all forms of discrimination and unethical behaviour through the ISS Code of Conduct and the Global People Standards. These policies are the basis of our learning tools and programmes, including an extensive onboarding course in which all new employees are trained in our way of working and our values. Corruption and bribery are illegal and against our values, and we promote the Speak Up system to allow employees to raise concerns on these matters, anonymously and without fear of reprisal.

Meet our people option 2_Graded

People who make a difference

We embrace and encourage diversity and inclusion in their broadest terms, including ethnicity, race, age, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, language, cultural and educational background. Our diverse workforce is recognised as a key competitive advantage and a vital asset in our long-term sustainable business success. Our inclusive culture empowers our people, and make us more creative, productive, and attractive as a workplace.

Learn more/career/your-career-at-iss/our-culture

Corporate sustainability in focus

Find out how we create long-term value for our business, and thus the world around us – by addressing our main sustainability challenges and reporting our performance regularly and transparently.

Read the Group Corporate responsibility report

Stories about people, places and planet