A partnership based on high standards

Keeping customers supplied with PPE during COVID-19
In a crisis, organisations show their value – very clearly, very quickly. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, ISS’s Supply Chain & Procurement team helped many customers remain open for business by providing the essential equipment they needed to operate safely.
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Ensuring a strong, transparent supply chain
We act as a good corporate citizen in all societies where we operate, and we expect our suppliers to do the same. Our aim is to provide a transparent supply chain and assured adherence to the highest ethical standards as expressed in the ISS Supplier Code of Conduct.
ISS ProcurePASS is a common, transparent solution for supplier compliance and approval across the countries ISS operates in. A supply chain risk management web platform, ProcurePASS directly supports our customers’ growing needs and enhances our valuable supplier relationships, compliance and quality standards.
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Stories about people, places and planet

Meet Robert Cedermark

Providing an opportunity to SHINE@ISS